Jest - Extrait de Parfum JEST embodies the joyous essence that transports us to a state of bliss, where the promise of soft, warm spring...
Dirty Heaven - Eau de Parfum “The pleasure, the joy, the ecstasy of heaven.” Get ready to embrace the seductive symphony of Born to Stand Out's...
Drunk Saffron - Eau de Parfum ''A glass of indulgent Cognac and lipstick stains.'' Indulge in bold fragrance, a daring fusion of sweet plum and...
Frustration - Eau de Parfum Frustration is what we need, my friend. By the Vanilla, I remain. A perfume born of longing—a mixture that...
L’Ivrée Bleue - Eau de Parfum L'Ivrée Bleue, a poetic symphony, weaves tendrils of black vanilla, essence of cane sugar, and cocoa—a sonnet...